February 22, 2014

Zurbarán, Master of Spain's Golden Age in Bozar

Wonderful exhibition in Brussels' Bozar, dedicated to Zurbarán. As usual, museum policy is such that I have to show you photos of the location, posters and an excerpt from the catalogue... Nevertheless, and I hope I will be pardoned, I provide a glance into the exhibition space itself because I want you to have a quick peek so you can appreciate how well the dark Bozar walls work for Zurbarán  art. 
You'll find an interesting review in the Financial Times: "Now the Bozar arts centre in Brussels is presenting the first dedicated Zurbarán show to be seen in northern Europe for 26 years, posing the question of whether the newly emphasised qualities in this highly distinctive painter counterbalance or complement the religiosity that still overhangs his work".
There are also other extremely interesting things to see in Bozar at the moment, like Belgium's own great  Michaël Borremans. I will be back with him very soon. 


  1. What a wonderful exhibition indeed, Steffi, and terrific captures as always!! Thanks for sharing! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!!

  2. Ja die donkere wanden zie je hier ook ineens overal. Ik vind het wel heel mooi, net of de schilderijen veel beter uitkomen.

    1. inderdaad, ze passen geweldig goed bij Zurbaran's werk.

  3. Hallo Anni,
    Een mooi schrijn voor zulke kleurrijke werken!
    Prettige zondag morgen!

    1. een heel mooie tentoonstelling, Frans, gepresenteerd rechtover Borremans, ook echt de moeite, denk ik. Ik hoop heel binnenkort te kunnen gaan kijken.

  4. Je serais incapable de citer, sans l'aide de Google, un seul tableau de Zurbaran, mais on pense tout de suite à des portraits de moines austères.

    1. Google est fantastique, n'est-ce pas, Alain? Ceci dit, Zurbaran est relativement inconnu, ici également. Cette expo met la qualité des ses oeuvres en évidence. Super réussie.

  5. My husband has always appreciated Zurburan...so what a pity he can't see this brilliantly set exhibition.
    Wonderfully set photographs - perhaps the Bozar should employ you to do publicity for them.

    1. Oh, how I wish your husband could see it! The exhibition is a remarkable overview of the works and they are presented in an attractive way. He would just adore it.
      As to pub for Bozar... would not mind at all. In fact, I would love the opportunity because it would allow me to get around their no picture policy :)

  6. Borremans staat op mijn " to do" lijstje....

    wel jammer dat je er nooit mag fotograferen

    prettige avond
