November 03, 2015

Belgian Marthe Donas at the exhibition Storm Women in Frankfurt

                                  photo credit: Peter Saverys

"The STURM heralded the advent of modern art. Orig­i­nally the name of a maga­zine founded in 1910 devoted to promoting expres­sionist art, the term STURM (English: STORM) soon assumed the char­acter of a trade­mark. Herwarth Walden, the publisher of the journal, also founded the STURM gallery in Berlin in 1912. Numerous women artists, including many from other coun­tries, were presented in Germany for the first time at his gallery. As a move­ment, the STURM repre­sented a program—one that opposed concep­tual barriers, the estab­lish­ment in general, and the bour­geois char­acter of Wilhelminian society and advo­cated the total freedom of all arts and styles. Composed of friends with similar inter­ests, the STURM network served as a forum for inten­sive and animated discourse on the ideas, theo­ries, and concepts of the avant-garde. The addi­tional STURM evenings, the newly founded STURM academy, the STURM theater and book­shop as well as occa­sional balls and a cabaret offered the artists of the STURM a variety of plat­forms and made the diverse artistic currents and tenden­cies in Berlin during the years from 1910 to 1930 acces­sible to a broad public. The Schirn Kunsthalle Frank­furt is devoting an exten­sive topical exhi­bi­tion to the women of the STURM begin­ning on October 30, 2015".


  1. Now that is one exhibit I would love to see. Your information and photos make it look very appealing.
