August 14, 2018

Belgium's hot summer

A good friend complained to me yesterday. She expressed her disapproval: “Why are you not posting anymore? Why do I still see that little man?” She was referring to my last entry posted on the occasion of the soccer World Cup? We were enjoying a girls luncheon and soon enough another one joined the complaint: I used to like your photo's. They were cool. She lives abroad, and I assume that this little touch of whatever Belgium does something for her in one way or other.  A third one suggested that I look at the blog as if it offers an exposition opportunity.
My answer: what's the point?  I do not have that much ‘free’ time on my hands, I do not take pictures like I used to anymore, I never carry my heavy camera around these days. My photographic activity is limited to point and shoot, mostly using my telephone (while driving .. shh.. I mean, while parked at the red light  or stuck in traffic jams, there are many of those in Brussels). 
Ok, so here we go again ....Here's to Chris, Vera, Myriam! 
I hope the visitors of this blog can live with telephone quality pictures. 
Better still,  send me your photo's or messages or whatever you have that connects you to Belgium, and I will gladly lend this forum to you.
Above, what a summer we had or are having! I am thoroughly enjoying and hope you are too!