March 14, 2011

No internet bis

Strangely enough these two elegant ladies, which I posted about a week ago,  just simply disappeared from this blog. It was brought to my attention this morning. After breaking my head over how this could possibly have happened, I decided to just put the pictures on again. I did enjoy meeting them and talking about internet, blogs, the help of a grandchild to find out how they would look like on a blog. Also, they look very nice and should be seen. The difference in their expression between a posed picture and a picture taken unexpectedly is striking. 


  1. That is what happens when you hit the delete button.

  2. gotta love that coat
    great blog!
    loving the posts
    stop by some time xx

  3. Steffe, you really think so ? :-)
    Margaret, thanks for visiting This is Belgium and for your comment, will stop by soon
