November 04, 2013

Meet author Anne Grauwels.

Meeting author Anne Grauwels was both fun and very interesting. 
Anne was born in Ostend, from Polish Jews who left Warsaw to start a new life in Belgium. Anne  studied Economics and History in Brussels and while she was teaching in Ghent, she commuted back and forth to Brussels, city which she calls home.
"Humeurs judéo-flamandes" is a compilation of colums she writes in "Points Critiques, a publication of the UPJB (Union of the Progressif Jews of Belgium).  At the occasion of the launch of her book, a video was posted on youtube (link below).  Anne says that she writes to entertain her audience and that while doing so,  she explains to the French speaking part of the country what Flanders and Flemings are like. I imagine there is some explaining the other way around too. I particularly like the chapter entitled "Il y a belge et belge" about defining the word 'Belgian of Belgian origin'. Is the word reserved for a Walloon person from Wallonia or a Flemish one from Flanders, or does it include Walloons of Flemish origin and Flemings of Walloon origin?  How about the people from Brussels? Must one be of Brussels, Flemish or Walloon origin, etc etc If only the book was available in English, you readers could have fun getting immersed in the intricacies of what is means being Belgian. 
The book can be ordered in Belgium from Joli mai at
From abroad, the book can be ordered through


  1. Hallo Anni,
    Niet eenvoudig om de belgische situatie te begrijpen als buitenstaander - als belg trouwens ook niet :-)
    Groetjes, Frans

  2. Bonsoir,
    une auteur que je ne connaissais pas du tout. Si savoir ce que signifie être Belge est un peu difficile pour les Belges, comment un Français comme moi peut le comprendre.-:))) Un livre que j'aimerai découvrir.
    Passe une bonne soirée.

    1. comme Frans disait juste avant toi, Gerard. Ton commentaire fera plaisir à l'auteur.

    2. J'ai inclus le lien où le livre peut être commandé, si jamais cela t'intéresserait, Gerard.

  3. Belgen, Vlamingen, Walen, wat is het verschil? Kan iemand die aan de zee woont zich identificeren met een Brusselaar en vice versa, ik denk het niet....

  4. Een Brusselaar, wat, wie is dat? In Brussel zie ik een smeltkroes van nationaliteiten, zijn dat Brusselaars, zijn dat Belgen, ik geloof het niet, net zo min dat ik geloof dat ik weet hoe een Waal in mekaar steekt.

    1. ik woon al heel lang en heel graag in Brussel, Joke.
      Ik begrijp dus wel wat Anne bedoelt.

  5. Merci de ton passage ! Bonne journée

  6. Yes, let us hope it will be translated!:)

    1. Would be great, wouldn't ? That is also a reason why I write in English.. If I had more time on my hands, I should make it a trilingual blog.. but then, on the other hand, photographs often speak for themselves.

  7. Un Belge d'origine Belge, une fois ?

  8. onze politici zouden dit beslist moeten lezen...

  9. I’d like to read this book, in French, but I don’t think I would find it here – there are very few French books in bookstores around here and most of them are classics for people who have to study French in school. I don’t think I studied Belgian history when I was in school in France – apart from the royalty and the former colonies.

    1. Vagabonde, I know you are an avid reader. If you would like to order Anne's book visit the following link: They ship abroad.

  10. Sounds like an interesting book. I love meeting authors.

    1. Authors are always interesting, they have stories to tell ..

  11. Grazie Anni di farmi conoscere un'autrice per me sconosciuta. Vedrò con mia moglie di trovare il libro. Buonanotte.

    1. è un piacere, Elio. Se il libro non è disponibile da per dove sei, po essere ordinato via il link
      Buona lettura !

  12. jij geeft al een bevestiging op dat wat ik wilde schrijven schrijvers zijn altijd interessante mensen, ze kunnen altijd lange verhalen vertellen. Liebe groet, Dietmut
