November 26, 2014

Brussels, most congested city...

How can I eloquently express how much I enjoy driving through Brussels in the early morning when no one else has hit the streets yet? This article in the Guardian explains why: 

Traffic congestion analysis consistently shows a surprising fact: Brussels and Antwerp, the two largest cities in Belgium, are the two most congested cities in Europe and North America. This was confirmed in the latest ranking from Inrix, a traffic data organisation (in which Milan temporarily took top spot). It is estimated that drivers in Brussels waste 83 hours a year in traffic. Things are so dire on Belgium’s roads, that the OECD has urged local authorities to take action. How did the administrative heart of the European Union get into this traffic mess?.....


  1. Ik denk dat zo langzamerhand elke grote stad in Europa verkeersproblemen heeft, er komen steeds meer auto's.

  2. That doesn't sound very good at all.

  3. daar hoeven we niet fier op te zijn


  4. If you make sure that there is poor public transport and all the roads of four rows, bring back in two, it is not difficult to get into a mess

  5. At least this time of day, it doesn't look that busy, but I can can see with those factors going into it that you'd have problems.

  6. het verbaast me niet. maar toch geloof ik dat er nog erger zijn.

  7. een probleem dat iedere stad intussen heeft.

  8. wow, and the strike will make me drive to Brussels next Monday.
