April 20, 2012


Reading about Belgian artist ROA on a blog made in Perth,  Australia  surely got my 100% attention.
Here is the link  http://perthdailyphoto.blogspot.com/2012/04/road-kill-or-over-kill.html and here is the story: 
"Thanks to JM from oeirasdailyphoto who after seeing my post Not a Bansky sent me a super informative link to more of Belgian artist ROA's work right here in Perth. According to the link there were some murals in West Perth, so I rang mon ami Marie who used to work in the area to see if she could help, she directed me to a very narrow alleyway off Hay St. which led out into a private car park space and there on the wall of the Mayfair multi storey car park, not one but three giant ROA's..jackpot!!. The kangaroo is definitely a victim of road kill, not sure about the emu or the other little marsupial that could be a bush rat or quokka. You can see just how enormous they are in comparison to the parked cars. Personally I thought three all on the one wall was a tad over the top, and as there are even more around Perth that I will look for, methinks Monsieur ROA had a pretty lucrative 'gig' in Perth.....!
As I was taking the photos the parking lot attendant told me there was a bit of a story attached to the paintings, they say if anyone unauthorized parks here they'll end up as roadkill and went off chuckling to himself, hmmm! he seemed so nice up until then haha! Joy, it's raining in Perth, niiiice! Hope you have a fab Thursday, special day for me tomorrow....!"
Also, today is a special day for Gracie, the author, so please join me in wishing her a happy blog-anniversary 


  1. Wow, this looks really cool! :-)

  2. I have to admit they look over the top to me, but who am I to pass an opinion!! Diane

  3. Knappe muurschildering, Anni !

    'Happy blog-anniversary, Gracie' !

  4. Hi Anni, so glad you enjoyed the ROA images, hope your readers like them too! Did you find out if there were any in your area?

  5. i love that third shot with the man walking past. ha!

  6. What kind of animal is this? It seems weird to see it upside down. Very unusal!

  7. I do love these, Anni! Terrific captures for the day! I, too, really enjoyed Gracie's post!! Isn't blogging wonderful!! Have a great weekend!


  8. Tinaje and Lies, glad you think the paintings are cool

    Diane, we all treasure your opinion and input !

    Gracie, thanks again.. hopefully I can direct some traffic your way also.. no, I have only once seen him in an old abandoned school I think must go back on a hunting trip; you can check where his work is on his tumblr account here:http://roaweb.tumblr.com/

    Yes; Urban Muser, that is my favorite too

    Kris, a mystical animal. Look for his work on the tumblr link, above.

    Yes Sylvia, meeting people from the other side of the world, showing a Belgian artist is kind of interesting

  9. Heel speciale muurschildering, hou ik wel van!

    Happy blog-anniversary, Gracie

  10. Very nice wall paintings.


  11. Hallo Anni,
    Knap gedaan, maar wel een beetje luguber...

  12. I found a nice interview with ROA at fatcap.com/article/roa.html. I like the artist bonom too (www.bonom.be)

  13. Ha, niet iedereen houdt ervan mijnnikon... kijk naar Frans, hij neemt het woord luguber in de pen ! voor elk wat wils.

    Bedankt, Filip

    Thanks La pomme du verger.. yes I like the both links!

  14. Ik heb werk van ROA gespot aan (op) de oude cementcentrale te Gent. Je kan de centrale bereiken via de Afrikalaan, je kan de gele silo's niet missen!(de weg naar de centrale loopt langs het water evenwijdig met de Afrikalaan)
    vriendelijke groet

  15. des chimères ?
